Saturday, February 23, 2008

I have heard a lot about different creams that could be used that slowly fade & eventually remove the tattoo.

I have a tattoo on my ankle that I want to get rid of. Laser surgery is not an option seeing how damn expensive it is.I have heard a lot about different creams that could be used that slowly fade & eventually remove the tattoo.Has anybody tired these, do they actually work!?

Aside from acid burns and laser surgery, I've also heard about :Dermabrasion which involves freezing the skin to numb it and then sanding down the area to remove the tattoo. In the end, the tattoo is gone, but it leaves a scar in its place.and if you're really desperate try something simple, just to see if it works.... I know that letting wet baking soda dry on insect bites can draw out the insect fluid. How about tryn that to see if it might pull any of the ink out? - or something else similaror you could try some mild bleach solutions, or other productsthat are good for removing ink from clothes-----keep in mind this is just an idea, I'm not responsible for any chemical burns or other problems that might occur-----but if you don't have the money for the expensive treatments, try experimenting... I usually do in cases like this.good luck!!! and post any solution if it works ;)

Im not sure about creams, but I have heard about a makeup for a temporary solution. Im not sure what it is called but it is used for burn victims to help cover scars. I saw it on Regis and Kelly. Good luck!

if you find out, please let me know. I am a 57 year old woman with a pentagram on my shoulder lol what a dum thing i did when i was young and now im stuck with it

I bet you got it just to be cool.A tatoo is permanent,as they draw it its like getting into ur skin and cutting through so getting rid of it is cutting of that part of skin with the tatto on it.Ankle......y not somewhere else?

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