Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How do I remove a tattoo at home?

Hi I have a small solid black scorpion tattoo on my bicep. I wanted to remove it at home with sandpaper, acid or something like that. Does anyone know of a home remedy's worth a try. I have needles, scalpel and other various supplies.

Chainsaw. Start a couple inches above that tat and let 'er rip! Get some rubber bands or a belt or some **** to tie that ***** off when your done. Make sure you put 911 on speed dial in case you get all light headed and pass out like a big *****. Also you might wanna put some towels down so the **** doesn't make a mess and get your mom all pissed.
Unfortunately laser is the only way.
get it professionally done otherwise you end up with a huge scar that looks way crappier than the tattoo would have.
get it done at the doctors office. you could risk getting an infection or bad scar that will be even worse than your tattoo.
Oh wow, you just sent chills up and down my spine thinking that you would even think of removing a tattoo at home.
you need to get it removed with a laser. that's the only way without seriously hurting yourself.
just had a picture in my mind of a faceless person scrubbing at their skin with sandpaper to get rid of their tattoo!!! many many many laser treatments are needed. you got it in the first place, suck it up and live with it. or else, try explaining the huge scar or skin graph that you'll need once you pour acid on your skin. that'll show them how manly you are!dude, just keep the tat. it shows part of your life, no matter what the reason for it being there. good luck.
you have to get it done by a doctor through laser.... when you get a tattoo the ink is enjected into the bottom layer of skin in the dermis this reproduces the same pigment and will not stop you would litterally have to take all the skin down to the muscle to get it off and thats not even garanteed it can seep down even furthur sry but only laser and many of them will work....
Nurse's daughter, advanced college anatomy course (spent 6 months studying the skin and did a course on this specifically ***BORING TRUST ME!!!

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