Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Does anyone know how effective the non-laser tattoo removal works such as "tattoo erase"?

If anyone has any experience of the technique mentioned above, ie; warnings, horror stories or just general "go aheads", could you let me know? I don't mean the laser removal.
I don't know personally or anything, but I've heard from others as a fact that those creams, lotions, etc do not work. For example, someone said that Wrecking Balm and all the others just fade enough of the work, but there is still a noticeable marking left. Just be careful because I don't think they work like you would want them to. It may be a better idea to just use cover-up makeup.
Just to let you know from your answer to my question " Men are not men anymore " - You seem to argue the exact things im trying to say like the example of the boy on the train or bus i cant remember what it was threw a tissy fit because you asked him to move his feet thats childish behaviour and thats exactly what im saying in men are inmature and dont grow up i think its called neotany ( retaining juvinile traits into adulhood ) im not saying women cant have some of those traits as well it seems women are becoming more powerfull and men are like weak flys , some men put their own self respect down the toilet to please women thats not healthy for either sex . Agreeableness - i mean guys who agree with everything a girl says to fake impress her . I say overly nice because men act fake nice , non authentic with women . Sensitive - im talking about a guy who says he is in love with you after one date type of thing and crying not a mature masculin man who cares . I agree if i agree if i dont then i will let you know . Im writing that question to gather opinions . Ive obviously done a bad job of describing what i mean to be asking or saying in my question lol . Im 22 by the way and yes i have improvement to make i know that im ive read many science , tabloids articals about this stuff and i do see what its trying to say women are kickin guys in the a.s.s and im just trying to point out that men need a dose of masciulinity including me infact many assumptions can be made about my inmature questions and answers from the past but hey one can only evolve and learn im in thye process of devaloping myself . Thanks for taking the time to answer my question seya .

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