Thursday, March 6, 2008

Anyone start laser tattoo removal and QUIT?

I had one session....and the pain was more than I can describe...I decided it just is not worth it...and the Dr. told me she used a low setting.... the area was tender for 2 days and it is pretty much back to normal. no scabs or discoloration or anything. the Doctor straight up told me that this is a long long process....she said that minimum would be 10 treatments....and she has had patients needing up to 15 treatments.....I just decided that is just isn't worth it...I have .... I'd rathere have a tattoo than an ugly scar....and an empty wallet...Anybody ever been in this predicament??

That's why you get one you're not going to want removed and do not make it one that might be changed (like someone's name)

My husband has been through this. He had a lot of random tattoos on his arm as a kid. He had a bunch of laser treatments done years ago - but they were never finished. They are only half done so there are lots of weird splotches of color over his arms. I'm fine with it, but it really bothers him a lot. So he's planning on getting another set of treatments this winter.
I did. One treatment (father's orders) and then stopped (when he realized that what he was holding over me would be gone before the treatments were up)
The tattoo is now imperfect and a bit upsetting but better than that horrible pain of the removal process. Mine was basically an open sore for a week, impossible to sleep or do just about anything with it on my back.
It's so not worth the pain and cost. And is why anyone should really think before getting a tattoo. Removal is a horrible process, worse than getting a tattoo by far.

some people have to go for a year or two, depending on a size, unless its something that u absolutly againts off dont bother its a waste of money wait few years they will come out with something more effective. or if you still like tattoos get it covered by a better one. i have a huge one on my back that i am unhappy with but will never go for the removal

I stopped because the doctor tripled his price but found an alternative. I am using the skinn peal self tatoo removing stuff. I got it from and have done two treatments so far and it apprears to be working.

That's one reason why I have never gotten a tattoo. I thought to myself"what if later on I change my mind"? I have had several people tell me that they regret getting their tattoos & that the laser removal was far more painful.

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