Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Anybody know where you can buy laser tattoo removal machines in the US?

I've tried looking but can only find a few amateur looking ones from some pretty questionable sites. I'm looking for a laser tattoo removal machine in the US.

This goes into the "WTF" category...

that is technically classified as a medical instument, so unless you are a doctor, you won't be able to get one. and even if you did, you wouldn't know how to properly operate it. if you aren't a doc, and you try to take a tat off of someone and you mess up, you are gonna get sued and might go to jail. i recommend going to a doc if you need one removed, not buying one yourself. you could seriously hurt yourself or someone else.
Joe Soprano has some left. Tell him Bubba sent you.
why in the world would you want one? talk about questionable sites. hmmmm interesting.

You can find anything on Ebay.

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